Rock Star Carbohydrate Boost in a Humble Potato – Pre and Post Workout Food Idea



Carbohydrates, despite the bad reputation they have gained from so-called nutrition gurus, are essential to sustaining the body’s energy. This importance is highlighted in people who engage in an active lifestyle. Carbohydrates help sustain them through rigorous exercise routines without feeling burned out.

As a runner, volleyball player, and multi-sports enthusiast, eating healthy is as important as sticking to a training regimen in order to master my various athletic activities.

At my age, gone are the days when I challenge the limits of my physical strength and endurance. However, proper nutritional supplements are something I never take for granted. Before and after I indulge in my training workout, no matter how easy or hard it is, I make sure to take in carbohydrates to fuel my workout. I need something to power up my performance so to speak.

Of the great diversity of carbohydrates sources, what is the ideal fuel source that would meet the active body’s fuel requirements?

“Choose your carbohydrates wisely” is the most fitting battle cry for active people who need an ample supply of carbs-rich food in their diet. The better choice should have less calories, sugar, salt and fats, but more vitamins and minerals. Given these parameters, one carbohydrate worthy of getting “rock star” status is the humble POTATO!


Pot boiled and mashed with no butter nor milk added.



Along with being a carbs-rich food (medium 5.2 ounce potato with skin contains 26 grams of carbohydrate), potatoes are also a good source of potassium exceeding that of banana that runners usually eat to prevent cramps.

Potatoes are likewise an excellent source of Vitamin C essential for a healthy immune system, growth and repair of tissues, cartilage, bones and teeth, the absorption of iron and the formation of collagen. Add to this another vitamin present in potatoes that helps the body cope with stress – Vitamin B. The combined benefits of these vitamins alone make potatoes ideal not only as pre-workout energy boost but as recovery supplement as well! And did I say that they also contain proteins for muscle repair and no fat, sodium and cholesterol?

Luckily for us, Potatoes USA is here to provide us with premium potatoes readily available in groceries and supermarkets nationwide. They bear all the high standards associated with being a certified US food product. Coming from a world leader in potato production and processing, we are assured of high quality potatoes in of many varieties (russet, red, white, yellow, purple, fingerling and petite) and forms (fresh, frozen and dehydrated). Now that’s what I call variety with a capital V!

I personally prefer the simplest preparation for my pre and post workout potato boost – pot boiled and mashed without butter and milk. How about you? Are you ready for your potato boost?

For more information on US Potatoes, visit or like and follow Potatoes USA-Philippines of Facebook at


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